Journal papers
A. Tanaka, G. Inoue, K. Nagato, M. Nakao, Heterogeneous catalyst-layer model-based analysis of loss mechanisms in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 86 (2024) 1140–1153.
- K. Koizumi, N. Kunii, K. Ueda, K. Nagata, S. Fujitani, S. Shimada, M. Nakao, ” Paving the Way for Memory Enhancement: Development and Examination of a Neurofeedback System Targeting the Medial Temporal Lobe”, Biomedicines, 11(8) (2023), 2262. - K. Koizumi, N. Kunii, K. Ueda, K. Takabatake, K. Nagata, S. Fujitani, S. Shimada, M. Nakao, ” Intracranial Neurofeedback Modulating Neural Activity in the Mesial Temporal Lobe During Memory Encoding: A Pilot Study”, Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, (2023). - M. Tomizawa, G. Inoue, K. Nagato, A. Tanaka, K. Park, M. Nakao, Heterogeneous pore-scale model analysis of micro-patterned PEMFC cathodes, J. Power Sources 556 (2023) 232507.
- A. Tanaka, K. Nagato, M. Tomizawa, G. Inoue, M. Nakao, Modeling of Relative Humidity-Dependent Impedance of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells, ECS Trans. 109 (2022) 3-13. - A. Tanaka, K. Nagato, M. Tomizawa, G. Inoue, K. Nagai, M. Nakao, Advanced impedance modeling for micropatterned polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, J. Power Sources 545 (2022) 231937. - K. Nagai, T. Osa, G. Inoue, T. Tsujiguchi, T. Araki, Y. Kuroda, M. Tomizawa, & K. Nagato. “Sample-efficient parameter exploration of the powder film drying process using experiment-based Bayesian optimization.” Scientific Reports 12.1 (2022): 1-11. - M. Tomizawa, K. Nagato, K. Nagai, A. Tanaka, M. Heinzmann, A. Weber, G. Inoue, M. Nakao. “Impedance-based performance analysis of micropatterned polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells.” Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage 19.2 (2022): 021017.
- K. Ueda, Y. Sakai, & H. Yanagisawa, “Quantitative evaluation of sense of discrepancy of operation response using event-related potential.” Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing. 15(2) 2021: JAMDSM0023 - K. Ueda, T. Sekoguchi, & H. Yanagisawa, “How predictability affects habituation to novelty.” PloS one, 16(6) (2021): e0237278 - 仁保隆嘉, 長藤圭介, 中尾政之, 大谷敏郎, 三吉宏治, & 近藤修平. (2021). ハンマ鍛造におけるワーク跳躍メカニズムの解明. 塑性と加工, 62(721), 21-28.
- Niho, T., Nambu, S., Nagato, K., & Nakao, M. (2021). Conditions of warm ausforming of low-alloy medium-carbon steel for making fully martensitic microstructure and its refining effect of martensite. Materials Today Communications, 26, 102080.
- Fang Z*, Nagato K, Liu S, Sugita N, Nakao M. Investigation into surface integrity and magnetic property of FeSiB metallic glass in two-dimensional cutting. J Manuf Process 2021;64:1098–104.
- Fang Z*, Nagato K, Liu S, Sugita N, Nakao M. Grinding performance and delamination analysis of FeSiB metallic glass laminate. J Adv Mech Des Syst Manuf 2021, In press.
- T. Niho, S. Nambu, K. Nagato & M. Nakao,”Classification of Twin Arrangements in Butterfly Martensite Grains and Analysis of Relationship between Twin Arrangement and Butterfly Wing Angle in Medium-Carbon Steel”, 2020 ISIJ International, 60(9), 2075-2082.
- Z. Fang , M. Nakao*, “Local magnetic deterioration on work-hardening layer of FeSiB metallic glass by milling”, (2020), CIRP Ann. – Manuf. Technol. In press.
- Z. Fang*, K. Nagato, T. Shimura, M. Murakami, M. Nakao, “Micro-level Clearance Punching on NGO Electrical Steel”, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. 142 (2020).
- K. Ueda, T. Sekoguchi, & H. Yanagisawa, “How predictability affects habituation to novelty?”. bioRxiv, (2020). doi: 10.1101/2020.07.24.219253
- K. Koizumi, K. Ueda, Z. Li, M. Nakao, “Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on brain networks related to creative thinking”, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14 (2020), 541052. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.541052.,
- Keisuke Nagato, Kodai Shintani, Takaaki Shimura, Naoki Shikazono, Masayuki Nakao, “Magnetic Alignment of Anode Structure in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell”, J. Electrochem. Soc. 166 (2019) F144-F148.
- Keisuke Nagato, Yuki Yajima, Masayuki Nakao, “Laser-assisted thermal imprinting of microlens arrays –Effects of pressing pressure and pattern size–”, materials 12 (2019) 675. doi: 10.3390/ma12040675.
- K. Ueda, M. Nakao, “Effects of transpulmonary administration of caffeine on brain activity in healthy men.” Brain sciences 9. 9 (2019), 222. doi: 10.3390/brainsci9090222
- J. Gwak, M. Shino, K. Ueda, & M. Kamata, “Effects of changes in indoor temperature on arousal level, thermal comfort, and physiological indices.” Applied Sciences, 9. 5, (2019) 899. doi: 10.3390/app9050899
- H. Yanagisawa, O. Kawamata, & K. Ueda, “Modeling Emotions Associated with Novelty Under Uncertainty: A Bayesian Approach.” Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 13, 2.(2019) doi: 10.3389/fncom.2019.00002
- Alexey Remnev, Keisuke Nagato, Kensuke Uemura, “Effect of working gas composition in medical needle sharpening by ion beam sputtering”, Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express. 4 (2018) 025033 (11 pages).
- Yusuke Ito, Rin Shinomoto, Keisuke Nagato, Akinori Otsu, Kentaro Tatsukoshi, Yasyji Fukasawa, Toru Kizaki, Naohiko Sugita, Mamoru Mitsuishi, “Mechanisms of damage formation in glass in the process of femtosecond laser drilling”, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 124 (2018) 124:181 (8 pages).
- Keisuke Nagato, Takumu Yamaguchi, Masayuki Nakao, “Anchoring and chemical-bonding effects of anodic alumina microstructure on adhesion strength”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology 67 (2018) 595-598.
- Keisuke Nagato, Kodai Shintani, Masayuki Nakao, “Real-time detection of microcracks with floating giant-magnetoresistance sensor in twin-disk sliding tests”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 66 (2017) 539-542.
- Kenta Hishiki, Keisuke Nagato, Ken Takahashi, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Real-time measurement of replication degree in thermal roller nanoimprinting”, Microelectronic Engineering, 153 (2016) 117-120. doi:10.1016/j.mee.2016.03.053
- Yuki Hirata, Yuya Nakahara, Keisuke Nagato, Junho Choi, “Deposition of a-C:H films on a nanotrench pattern by bipolar PBII&D”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49 (2016) 245303-1-10.
- Keisuke Nagato, Shumpei Miyazaki, Shuhei Yamada, Masayuki Nakao, “Nano/microcomposite surface fabricated by chemical treatment/microembossing for control of bubbles in boiling heat transfer”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 65 (2016) 511-514. doi:10.1016/j.cirp.2016.04.073
- R. Shinomoto, Y. Ito, T. Kizaki, K. Tatsukoshi, Y. Fukasawa, K. Nagato, N. Sugita, M. Mitsuishi, “Experimental analysis of glass drilling with ultrafast pulse lasers”, International Journal of Automation Technology, 10 (2016) 863-873. doi: 10.20965/ijat.2016.p0863
- K. Nagato, T. Oshima, A. Kuwayama, H. Okada, T. Matsushima, S. Takagi, M. Nakao, T. Hamaguchi, “Microscopic observation of behavior of magnetic particle clusters during torque transfer between magnetic poles”, J. Appl. Phys. 117 (2015) 17C729-1-3.
- L. Wang, K. Nagato, S. Iwasaki, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Fabrication of through-hole membrane with anodic-alumina nanohole array”, Microelectron. Eng. 141 (2015) 62-67. doi:10.1016/j.mee.2015.01.037
- K. Takahashi, K. Nagato, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “High-speed replication of light-extraction structure with thermal roller nanoimprinting”, Microelectron. Eng. 141 (2015) 285-288. doi:10.1016/j.mee.2015.03.069
K. Nagato, T. Oshima, A. Kuwayama, H. Okada, T. Matsushima, S. Takagi, M. Nakao, T. Hamaguchi, “In situ observation of behavior of magnetic particle clusters during torque transfer between textured magnetic poles”, IEEE Trans. Magn. Vol. 51, No. 11, 2015, 4600804-1-4. 10.1109/TMAG.2015.2447285
A. Remnev, K. Nagato, K. Uemura, “Effect of reactive gas additives on surface morphology evolution of stainless steel substrate undergoing low energy Ar ion bombardment”, Vacuum 119 (2015) 223-227. doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2015.05.024
- Y. Li, K. Nagato, J.-J. Delaunay, J. Kubota, and K. Domen, “Fabrication of highly ordered Ta2O5 and Ta3N5 nanorod arrays by nanoimprinting and through-mask anodization”, Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 014013-1-8.
- K. Nagato, “Injection compression molding of replica molds for nanoimprint lithography”, Polymers 6 (2014) 604-612. doi:10.3390/polym6030604
- K. Nagato, K. Takahashi, T. Sato, J. Choi, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Laser-assisted replication of large-area nanostructures”, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 214 (2014) 2444-2449.
K. Sekiya, K. Nagato, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Morphology control of nickel oxide nanowires”, Microelectron. Eng. 98 (2012) 532-535.
- K. Nagato, N. Toyoda, H. Naito, H. Tani, Y. Sakane, I. Yamada, M. Nakao, T. Hamaguchi, “Effect of duty ratio of patterned surface on planarization by gas cluster ion beams”, J. Appl. Phys. 109 (2011) 07B733-1-3.
- K. Nagato, H. Hoshino, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Slurry mixing device with microchannels for gelcasting”, Microelectron. Eng. 88 (2011) 1814-1816.
- K. Nagato, S. Inoue, M. Furubayashi, S. Chiashi, S. Maruyama, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Field emission of vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes patterned by pressing a microstructured mold”, Microelectron. Eng. 88 (2011) 2700-2702.
- K. Nagato, M. Furubayashi, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Patterning of a-Fe2O3 nanowires by pressing a microstructured mold and their field-emission properties”, Microelectron. Eng. 88 (2011) 2697-2699.
- K. Nagato, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Injection compression molding of high-aspect-ratio nanostructures”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 29 (2011) 06FG10-1-4.
- K. Nagato, S. Sugimoto, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Iterative roller imprint of multilayered nanostructures”, Microelectron. Eng. 87 (2010) 1543-1545.
- M. Furubayashi, K. Nagato, H. Moritani, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Field emission properties of discretely synthesized tungsten oxide nanowires”, Microelectron. Eng. 87 (2010) 1594-1596.
- S. Hattori, K. Nagato, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Rapid injection molding of high-aspect-ratio nanostructures”, Microelectron. Eng. 87 (2010) 1546-1549.
- K. Nagato, H. Hoshino, H. Naito, T. Hirota, H. Tani, Y. Sakane, N. Toyoda, I. Yamada, M. Nakao, T. Hamaguchi, “Planarization of nonmagnetic films on bit patterned substrates by gas cluster ion beams”, IEEE Trans. Magn. 46 (2010) 2504-2506.
- K. Nagato, H. Moritani, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Fabrication of antireflection-structured surface using vertical nanowires as an initial structure”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 28 (2010) L39-L42.
- K. Nagato, M. Furubayashi, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Direct synthesis of a-Fe2O3 nanowires from sputtered thin film”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 28 (2010) C6P11-13.
- K. Nagato, S. Hattori, T. Hamguchi, M. Nakao, “Rapid thermal imprinting of high-aspect-ratio nanostructures by dynamic heating of mold surface”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 28 (2010) C6M122-124.
- K. Nagato, T. Ide, N. Ohno, M. Nakao, T. Hamaguchi, “Automatic Unbalance Correction of Rotors by Sympathetic Phase Inversion of UV-Curing Resin”, Precision Engineering 33 (2009) 243-247.
- N. Toyoda, K. Nagato, H. Tani, Y. Sakane, M. Nakao, T. Hamaguchi, I. Yamada, “Planarization of Amorphous Carbon Films on Patterned Media Using Gas Cluster Ion Beams”, J. Appl. Phys. 105 (2009) 07C127-1-3.
- N. Toyoda, T. Hirota, K. Nagato, H. Tani, Y. Sakane, M. Nakao, T. Hamaguchi, I. Yamada, “Planarization of bit-patterned surface using gas cluster ion beams”, IEEE Trans. Magn. 45 (2009) 3503-3506.
- K. Nagato, Y. Kojima, K. Kasuya, H. Moritani, T. Hamaguchi, and M. Nakao, “Local Synthesis of Tungsten Oxide Nanowires by Current Heating of Designed Micropatterned Wires”, Appl. Phys. Express, 1 (2008) 014001-1-3.
- K. Nagato, S. Sugiyama, A. Yanagida, J. Yanagimoto, “Single-Pass Severe Plastic Forming of Ultrafine-Grained Plain Carbon Steel”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 478 (2008) 376-383.
- K. Nagato, H. Tani, Y. Sakane, N. Toyoda, I. Yamada, M. Nakao, and T. Hamaguchi, “Study of Gas Cluster Ion Beam Planarization for Discrete Track Magnetic Disks”, IEEE Trans. Magn., 44 (2008) 3476-3479.
- H. Suzuki, K. Nagato, S. Sugimoto, K. Tsuchiya, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Iterative imprint for multilayered nanostructures by feeding, vacuum forming and bonding of sheets”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 26 (2008) 1753-1756.
- T. Hamaguchi, H. Yonemoto, K. Nagato, K. Tsuchiya, M. Nakao, “Single-pass forming for three-dimensional microstructures by high-speed shearing of multilayer thin films”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 26 (2008) 1771-1774.
- Y. Kojima, K. Kasuya, K. Nagato, T. Hamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Solid-Phase Growth Mechanism of Tungsten Oxide Nanowires Synthesized on Sputtered Tungsten Film”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 26 (2008) 1942-1947.
- K. Kasuya, K. Nagato, Y. Jin, H. Morii, T. Ooi, and M. Nakao, “Rapid and Local Synthesis of Single-Walled Caron Nanotubes by Laser-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 46 (2007) L333-L335.
- Y. Kojima, K. Kasuya, T. Ooi, K. Nagato, K. Takayama, and M. Nakao, “Effects of Oxidation during Synthesis on Structure and Field-Emission Property of Tungsten Oxide Nanowires”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 46 (2007) 6250-6253.
- T. Kishimoto, H. Hachisu, J. Fujiki, K. Nagato, M. Yasuda, H. Katori, “Electrodynamic Trapping of Spinless Neutral Atoms with an Atom Chip”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 123001-1-4.
- K. Nagato, T. Ooi, T. Kishimoto, H. Hachisu, H. Katori, M. Nakao, “Design and Prototyping of Stark Atom Chip for Electric Trapping of Laser-Cooled Atoms”, Precis. Eng. 30 (2006) 387-395.
Proceedings in International Conference
●Shuto Ishii, Isami Suto, Keisuke Nagato, Moju Zhao, Yoshifumi Ueshige, Takashi Iritani, Masayuki Nakao, “Construction of a Soil Clods Recognition Bench-Scale Experiment for Discrete Element Method Modeling of Tilling Phenomena”, the 11th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of the ISTVS, Harbin, China, September 26-28, 2022
●A. Tanaka, K. Nagato, M. Tomizawa, G. Inoue, M. Nakao, Modeling of Relative Humidity-Dependent Impedance of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells, 242nd The Electrochemical Society (ECS) meeting, I01A-1366, Atlanta, USA, October, 2022.
★K. Koizumi, K. Ueda, M. Nakao, “Exploring the relationship between creative thinking processes and neural mechanisms in product engineering design”, The 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), New York, USA, July, 2022.
●K. Koizumi, F. Mikami, K. Ueda, M. Nakao, “EEG Microstate Characteristics in Product Conceptual Design: Increased Time Coverage of Microstate Class Related to the Default Mode Network”, Design Computing and Cognition’22, July, 2022
■K. Koizumi, N. Kunii, K. Ueda, K. Nagata, S. Fujitani, S. Shimada, M. Nakao, N. Saito, “Changes in hippocampal activity and memory function during neurofeedback training with intracranial electrodes”, The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Forum 2022, Paris, France, July, 2022.
●K. Koizumi, F. Mikami, K. Ueda, M. Nakao, “Comparison of brain spatio-temporal dynamics between product conceptual design and general creativity task using EEG microstate analysis”, The 7th meeting of the Society for the Neuroscience of Creativity (SfNC), Virtual Conference, May 2022.
●Isami Suto, Shuto Ishii, Keisuke Nagato, Yoshifumi Ueshige, Ryo Shirakawa, Takashi Iritani, Masayuki Nakao, “COMPARISON OF TORQUE BETWEEN SCALE-MODEL EXPERIMENT AND DISCRETE ELEMENT SIMULATION FOR TILLAGE”, ISTVS 20th International Conference, Montréal, Québec, Canada, September 20-23, 2021
■K. Koizumi, K. Ueda, M. Nakao, K. Nagata, K. Takabatake, S. Fujitani, S. Shimada, N. Kunii, “Theta Neurofeedback of the Parahippocampal Gyrus for Memory Enhancement: A Preliminary Study”, The 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Virtual Conference, November, 2021.
■F. Mikami, K. Koizumi, K. Ueda, M. Nakao, “Neural Dynamics involved in Creative Thinking in Engineering Design”, The 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Virtual Conference, November 2021.
■K. Matsuoka, K. Tonogaki, K. Koizumi, K. Ueda, M. Nakao, “Effects of trait anxiety on pain-related brain activity”, The 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Virtual Conference, November 2021.
■M. Tomizawa, K. Nagato, A. Tanaka, K. Nagai, & M. Nakao. “Effect of micro-patterned membrane PEFC dependent on operating current density.” 240th the Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting, Virtual conference, October, 2021.
■A. Tanaka, K. Nagato, M. Tomizawa, K. Nagai, & M. Nakao. “Development of the soaking method for manufacturing polymer electrolyte fuel cells with a high-aspect-ratio microstructure.” 240th the Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting, Virtual conference, October, 2021.
■K. Nagai, T. Osa, T. Araki, G. Inoue, T. Tsujiguchi, Y. Kuroda, M. Tomizawa, M. Kurosu, & K. Nagato. “Parameter optimization in the drying process of catalyst ink for PEFC electrode films with few cracks.” 240th the Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting, Virtual conference, October, 2021.
■Y. Hyugaji, T. Araki, K. Nagato, K. Nagai, T. Tsujiguchi, K. Asaoka, & D. Suzuki. “MEMS sensor development for making PEFC catalyst layer during drying process.” 2nd Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences (ACTS), Virtual conference, October, 2021.
■F. Mikami, K. Ueda, K. Koizumi, M. Nakao, “Neural dynamics involved in creative thinking in engineering design”, The 12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Virtual Conference, July 2021.
■A. Tanaka, K. Nagato, M. Tomizawa, K. Nagai, & M. Nakao. “Evaluation of polarization resistance of line-and-space paterned polymer electrolyte fuel cells using distribution of relaxation times.” European Fuel Cell Forum (EFCF) 2021, Virtual conference, June, 2021.
●K. Ueda, Y. Imamura, & T. Ibaraki, “The development of a eustress sensing system using In-Ear EEG.” 43th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Virtual Conference, 2021.
●K. Nagai, K. Nagato, T. Okamura, M. Tomizawa, M. Nakao, “Distribution of Relaxation Times Analysis of SOFCs with Low Tortuosity Structure Anode.” The Electrochemical Society (ECS) PRiME 2020, Virtual conference, October, 2020.
●K. Ueda, “Cognitive and neural model of aesthetic sensitivity.” The 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Virtual conference, July, 2020.
●K. Ueda, H. Yanagisawa, “Evaluation of sense of discrepancy to operation response using electroencephalogram.” The 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Virtual conference, July, 2020.
●K. Ueda, “Cognitive and neural model of aesthetic sensitivity for a product.” 2020 International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER), Virtual conference, September, 2020.
●N. Yamada, K. Ueda, M. Nakao, “Driver’s Visual Input Processing of Information Displayed on the Windshield”, The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Virtual Conference, September, 2020.
■K. Koizumi, K. Ueda, Z. Li, M. Nakao, “tDCS modulates the interactions of brain networks related to creative thinking”, The 6th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neuroscience of Creativity (SfNC), Virtual Conference, October, 2020.
■M. Tomizawa, K. Nagato, K. Nagai, & M. Nakao. “Distribution of relaxation time analysis of cathode micro-patterned PEFC.” The Electrochemical Society (ECS) PRiME 2020, Virtual conference, October, 2020.
■K. Koizumi, K. Ueda, M. Nakao, “The effects of neurostimulation on the relationship between the default mode network and creative thinking”, The 9th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), FrPO.127, San Francisco, CA, USA, March, 2019.
●Z. Fang*, K. Nagato, N. Sugita, M. Nakao, 2019. “Influence of tool coating condition on side milling of amorphous laminated composite block”, 2nd CIRP Conference on Composite Material Parts Manufacturing, 10th to 11th October 2019, AMRC Sheffield, UK.
●N. Tateyama, K. Ueda, M. Nakao, “Active sensing system for measuring distress level using mood induction music.” IEEE 8th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV) and 3rd International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (icIVPR), Washington, U.S.A., May-June, 2019. doi:10.1109/ICIEV.2019.8858574.
●K. Ueda, & M. Nakao, “Neural bases of creative thinking.” The 10th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Washington D.C., USA, July, 2019.
●K. Koizumi, K. Ueda, Z. Li, N. Tateyama M. Nakao, “The effects of neuromodulation on creative thinking”, The 10th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Washington D.C., USA, July, 2019.
●N. Tateyama, K. Ueda, M. Nakao, “Development of an active sensing system for distress detection using skin conductance response.”, IEEE 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Cambridge, United Kingdom, September, 2019. doi: 10.1109/ACII.2019.8925442.
●K. Ueda, Y. Sakai, H. Yanagisawa, “Quantitative evaluation of sense of discrepancy to operation response using event-related potential”, International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering 2019 & Manufacturing Systems Conference, Sendai, Japan, September, 2019.
■K. Koizumi, K. Ueda, M. Nakao, “EEG source analysis of visual motion imagery for application to brain-computer interface”, The 8th Graz BCI Conference (GBCIC), Graz, Austria, September, 2019. doi: 10.3217/978-3-85125-682-6-22.
●S. Takada, K. Ueda, N. Yamada, Y. Iguchi, Y. Tao, K. Koizumi, M. Nakao, “Evaluation of Driver’s Cognitive Load when Presented Information on the Windshield using P300 Latency in Eye-fixation Related Potentials”, 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Auckland, New Zealand, November, 2019, pp. 4006-4011, doi: 10.1109/ITSC.2019.8917209.
■R. Hitsuyu, K. Ueda, M. Nakao, T. Noda, “Development of a task-combined EEG-based neurofeedback system to enhance response inhibition”, The Real-Time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback conference 2019 (rtFIN2019), Maastricht, the Netherlands, December, 2019
●K. Nagato, S. Yoshino, T. Shimura, M. Nakao, N. Shikazono, “Magnetic alignment of LSM particles in SOFC cathode”, 13th European SOFC & SOE Forum (EFCF), B0804, 5(3-6) July, 2018, Lucerne, Switzerland.
■Yuta Taira, Keisuke Nagato, Masayuki Nakao, “Real-Time Observation of Selective Laser Melting of WC-Co Cemented Carbide”, American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE) and euspen Summer Topical Meeting; Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing, 25(22-25) Jul. 2018, Berkeley, CA, USA, 265-268.
●K. Nagato, T. Yamaguchi, M. Nakao, “Anchoring and chemical-bonding effects of anodic alumina microstructure on adhesion strength”, CIRP General Assembly, 22(19-25), August, 2018, Tokyo, Japan. (S-9)
★Z. Fang, T. Shimura, K. Nagato, M. Nakao, “Influence of temperature on mechanical characteristics and microstructure of iron-based amorphous in cold tensile test,” 12th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting ACE-X 2018, Amsterdam, Netherland, 2018/7/1-7/5.
■T. Higashisaka, K. Nagato, E. Tanaka, H. Watanabe, M. Nakao, “Small and sensitive force sensor based on contact resistance”, Micro Nano Engineering (MNE), 25(24-27) Sep, 2018, Copenhagen, PO-01-326.
■K. Ogata, K. Nagato, Y. Ito, H. Nakano, T. Hamaguchi, I. Saito, T. Fujiwara, T. Nagata, Y. Ito, M. Nakao, “Real-time observation of progressing crack and stress analysis in glass laser cutting”, Micro Nano Engineering (MNE), 25(24-27) Sep, 2018, Copenhagen, PO-01-282.
■N. Munehiro, K. Nagato, T. Higashisaka, M. Murakami M. Nakao, “Heat-assisted screen printing of high-aspect-ratio microstructure”, Micro Nano Engineering (MNE), 25(24-27) Sep, 2018, Copenhagen, PO-01-272
■Y. Taira, K. Nagato, M. Tomizawa, M. Nakao, “Effect of laser scan speed on cracks of WC-Co cemented carbides in selective laser melting”, Micro Nano Engineering (MNE), 26(24-27) Sep, 2018, Copenhagen, PO-02-201.
■T. Shimura, K. Nagato, Z. Fang, M. Nakao, “Experimental study of micro-clearance blanking process of thin metal sheet”, Micro Nano Engineering (MNE), 26(24-27) Sep, 2018, Copenhagen, PO-02-279.
■M. Tomizawa, K. Nagato, Y. Taira, T. Higashisaka, N. Takahashi, M. Nakao, “Centrifugal molding of carbon microstructure”, Micro Nano Engineering (MNE), 26(24-27) Sep, 2018, Copenhagen, PO-02-207.
■N. Takahashi, K. Nagato, E. Shimizu, T. Higashisaka, M. Tomizawa, M. Nakao, “Modelling of dross flow in laser cutting process of aluminum foil using particle method”, Micro Nano Engineering (MNE), 26(24-27) Sep, 2018, Copenhagen, PO-02-273.
●N. Takahashi, K. Nagato, E. Shimizu, H. Tendo, M. Nakao, “Heat Conduction and Pressure Distribution in Microstructured Mold for Laser Assisted Imprinting”, The 5th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP), 7(7-8) Dec, 2018, Bangkok, 94-95.
●E. Shimizu, K. Nagato, N. Takahashi, M. Nakao, “Effect of Scale of Microstructures on Polymer Deformation during Laser-Assisted Thermal Imprinting”, The 5th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP), 7(7-8) Dec, 2018, Bangkok, 98-99.
Y. Taira, K. Nagato, M. Nakao, “Real-time Observation of Selective Laser Melting of Stainless Steel”, The 5th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP), 7(7-8) Dec, 2018, Bangkok, 122-123.
●Z. Fang*, K. Nagato, N. Sugita, M. Nakao, “New observation on the chip formation in two-dimensional cutting of iron-based amorphous foil”, 17th International Conference on Precision Engineering. 2018, Kamakura, Japan.
■K. Koizumi, K. Ueda, M. Nakao, “Development of Cognitive Brain-Machine Interface Based on Visual Imagery”, The 7th International BCI Meeting, 1-C-19, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, May, 2018.
●K. Koizumi, K. Ueda, M. Nakao, “Development of a Cognitive Brain-Machine Interface Based on a Visual Imagery Method”, The 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), ThBT1.2, Honolulu, HI, USA, July, 2018. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2018.8512520.
■N. Tateyama, K. Ueda, M. Nakao, K. Nishi, “Development of Brain-Machine Interface Using Optical Illusion”, The 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), WePoS-25.7, Honolulu, HI, USA, July, 2018.
●K. Ueda, “A neural model of aesthetic preference for product appearance”, The 9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Florida, USA, July, 2018.
■K. Nagato, Y. Yajima, M. Nakao, “Heat conduction and polymer flow in microstructured mold for laser-assisted imprinting”, Digest of the 61st international conference on electron, ion, and photon beam technology and nanofabrication (EIPBN), May 31 (May30-Jun2), 2017, Orlando, USA.
●K. Nagato, K. Shintani, N. Shikazono, T. Shimura, M. Nakao, “Effect of YSZ Volume on Polarization Resistance of Anode with Magnetically Aligned YSZ”, ECS Trans. 78(2017)1489-1494, SOFC-XV, July 28 (23-28), 2017, Hollywood, FL, USA.
●Keisuke Nagato, Kodai Shintani, Masayuki Nakao, “Real-time detection of microcracks with floating giant-magnetoresistance sensor in twin-disk sliding tests”, CIRP General Assembly, 23(21-24), August, 2017, Lugano, Switzerland.
■Y. Ito, R. Shinomoto, A. Otsu, K. Nagato, K. Tatsukoshi, Y. Fukasawa, T. Kizaki, N. Sugita, M. Mitsuishi, “Investigation of damage generation during femtosecond laser frilling of glass”, International Conference on Laser Ablation (COLA), 6(3-8) Sep, 2017, Marseille, France.
■A. Sakai, K. Nagato, M. Nakao, “Infiltration of YSZ nanoparticles into microholes by centrifugation”, Micro Nano Engineering (MNE), 19(18-22) Sep, 2017, Braga, Portugal.
■Y. Taira, K. Nagato, A. Sakai, H. Nakano, M. Nakao, “Effect of oxygen and scan speed on selective laser melting of aluminum powder”, Micro Nano Engineering (MNE), 19(18-22) Sep, 2017, Braga, Portugal.
■E. Shimizu, K. Nagato, H. Nakano, Y. Yajima, M. Nakao, “Numerical analysis of resin flow in laser-assisted imprinting of various-sized microstructures by MPS method”, Micro Nano Engineering (MNE), 20(18-22) Sep, 2017, Braga, Portugal.
■M, Murakami, K. Nagato, T. Oshima, S. Washino, E. Tanaka, S. Takagi, T. Matsushima, M. Nakao, “Microscopic observation of collapse behavior of clusters in magnetorheological fluid (MRF) clutch”, Micro Nano Engineering (MNE), 20(18-22) Sep, 2017, Braga, Portugal.
■Q. Ding, K. Nagato, H. Nakano, Y. Yajima, M. Nakao, “Elucidation of slurry behavior in tip part near intersection of squeegee and substrate in screen printing”, Micro Nano Engineering (MNE), 20(18-22) Sep, 2017, Braga, Portugal.
■H. Nakano, K. Nagato, Q. Ding, T. Hamaguchi, I. Saito, T. Fujiwara, T. Nagata, Y. Ito, M. Nakao, “Real-time observation of crack propagation in laser cutting of glass”, Micro Nano Engineering (MNE), 20(18-22) Sep, 2017, Braga, Portugal.
■T. Higashisaka, K. Nagato, M. Murakami, H. Watanabe, E. Tanaka, M. Nakao, “Sensitive force sensor using contact resistance in oil environment”, Micro Nano Engineering (MNE), 20(18-22) Sep, 2017, Braga, Portugal.
●S. Yoshino, K. Nagato, T. Yamaguchi, A. Sakai, M. Nakao, “Microstructure-control of porous material in solid oxide fuel cells by magnetic field alignment method”, Micro Nano Engineering (MNE), 20(18-22) Sep, 2017, Braga, Portugal.